SweNanoSafe visits SafeNano Norway

In Norway, there is an ongoing discussion about establishing a Norwegian platform for nanosafety based on the SafeNano Norway Network, a network of researchers which was created in 2009. The proposed aim of the Norwegian platform is to provide expertise and state of the art instrumentation together with methods for assessing the exposure, hazard and risks associated with nanomaterials.

To facilitate cooperation around this issue, a workshop entitled “Bridging the gap between human- and eco-nanosafety in Norway” was arranged by Norwegian stakeholders in Oslo on the 22nd of March.

At the event, the current state of knowledge and recent advances in nanosafety research in Norway was presented. The future of the SafeNano network was also discussed together with the establishment of a platform. The result of the workshop is currently being processed.

SweNanoSafe was invited and Ulrika Carlander presented the mission, organisation and activities of the Swedish National Platform for Nanosafety together with challenges for the platform.

The workshop was arranged by the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI), University of Bergen, the Norwegian research institute SINTEF, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), NorgGenotech and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

More information about the organisers and the agenda: Nanosafety Workshop Flyer Oslo

More information on the origin of SafeNano Norway Network is available on the EU-project NANoREG’s page on National activities Norway

Upcoming events in Norway are:

17 April, 2018, in Trondheim: Symposium on nanomaterial in wastewater treatment plants

3-6 June, 2019, in Loen: Environmental and occupational health aspects related to nano- and ultrafine particulate matter

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